If functioning as well as possible with life’s activities is your goal this is where you need to be! Many of our residents have worked with our therapy department to return home or to other levels of care.
Starting in 2018, Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center partnered with Infinity Rehab to offer a complete range of rehabilitation services to assist recovery. The therapy department’s main goal is to restore, compensate or adapt function to allow the individual to obtain their maximum functional potential. The professional staff include physical and occupational therapists, physical and occupational therapy assistants, speech therapists, and an administrative professional rehab aide.
We offer inpatient and outpatient therapy which allows us to establish continuity of care and treat the patient in-house as well as on an outpatient basis as needed. Throughout the course of the patient’s therapy the therapists work closely with the physician and other healthcare providers, along with the patient’s family, to ensure that his/her total needs are met. We complete in-home evaluations prior to the patient returning home to make recommendations that will ensure safety and success.
Physical therapy provides assessment and treatment to improve mobility for walking and general movement, reduction of pain, maintain endurance and provide adaptive equipment and training to optimize function.
Occupational therapy provides intervention to maximize self-care and basic activities of daily living to allow return to highest independent functional level of ability and care.
Speech language pathology provides evaluation and treatment of communication disorders including speech and cognition along with assessment of eating abilities that include swallowing and chewing.
Our Restorative Nursing Program includes a Restorative Therapy Coordinator and Restorative Therapy Aides trained to carry out specific therapeutic programs. The Restorative Nursing Program is designed to provide the necessary care and services for residents to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.
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