How To Enroll or Unenroll your Android or iOS Device for Email
Enrolling your device in MSLCC’s MDM solution is easy and completely self service. MSLCC IT no longer enrolls your device on your behalf. We have prepared multiple guides to assist you with whatever step of the process you are on.
Getting a new Device?
Please unenroll your old device before it is no longer in your possession. Not doing so may constitute a breach of PHI and HIPAA in which you will be responsible. If you have turned in an enrolled device please contact MSLCC IT immedietly to have the device locked and wiped.
To unenroll your device follow these steps:
Android / Apple iOS –[Android_iOS]_AirWatch_Un-enroll.pdf
Enrolling a New Device
Android –[Android]_AirWatch_Enroll.pdf
Apple iOS –[iOS]_AirWatch_Enroll.pdf