
Our Foundation

Charitable giving to the Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center Foundation enables our organization to continue providing a high quality of care in the midst of future uncertainties. It is possible that operating shortfalls may occur since revenues are determined mostly by the North Dakota reimbursement system and Medicaid regulations. Through our foundation, generous donors are able to help underwrite expenses for special services, facility improvements, and many quality of life programs.

There are many ways you can partner with our foundation to enrich the lives of our residents and tenants. Please contact our Foundation Director, Jessica Gilbertson at 701-221-9349 or for more information.

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Originally organized in 1968, the M-50 Club assisted Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center (MSLCC) in achieving its mission of enriching lives. In 2003, the name was changed to M-Club. Funds contributed to M-Club are for equipment or projects which enhance the lives of residents and tenants.

Our M-Club committee is made up of members of local Lutheran churches. The committee meets three times a year to decide which projects to fund. Contributions to the M-Club are accepted at any time throughout the year, and can be made monthly, semi-annually or annually.

Click here to join and donate online today!

You can also download and print an M-Club brochure and mail to our office at:

2425 Hillview Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501

  • Platinum – $1,000
  • Gold – $500
  • Silver – $250
  • Bronze – $100

Special Events

Giving Hearts Day:

The Foundation at MSLCC is a proud participant in Giving Hearts Day. This is a 24 hour fundraising event that takes place each February among charities in North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota. The event is a day of online fundraising that has raised over $40M for nonprofits in its 10 year history. Click here to see our Giving Hearts Day profile and learn more about the event. 

ND State Tax Credit

North Dakota state law allows for a generous state tax credit for businesses and individuals who give to qualified endowment funds, such as the one at Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center’s Foundation.

Individual Tax Credit

Individuals may receive a state tax credit for a contribution of $5,000 or more (lump sum or aggregate in one year) to a qualified North Dakota endowment fund. The maximum credit is $10,000 for an individual and $20,000 for a married couple.   The credit can be carried forward for 3 additional tax years if it cannot all be used in one year.

Business Tax Credit

Business entities that pay ND income tax are eligible to receive a 40% state tax credit for gifts to a qualified endowment fund.  The annual limitation for this credit is $10,000. This credit may be carried forward for 3 additional tax years if it cannot all be used in one year.

Please contact Jessica Gilbertson for more information!

Memorial and Honorary Gifts:

To bestow a memorial gift for a loved one who has passed away or an honorary gift to recognize birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions, please download and complete the Memorial and Honor Gift Form below and mail it to the foundation at Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center. Gifts to our Foundation can be mailed to:

MSLCC Foundation
2425 Hillview Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501

Disclaimer: The concepts described herein are intended to provide information of a general nature only. They should not be construed as legal, tax and/or financial advice. Readers are urged to consult with their own professional advisers for their specific situations.