MSLCC is entering a new era of providing healthcare services with the recent install of a Real-Time Location System (RTLS). We are a staple in our community with a tradition of providing quality care for the last 50+ years. In the rapidly changing environment of healthcare, we strive to stay on ahead of new regulations, opportunities, and challenges. The RTLS will enhance our abilities and help us maintain the fantastic reputation we have built of being a leader and serving our community.
This upgrade is one of several investments we are making to assure our team will have the best tools available. The RTLS is a tool that provides useful data to support the decisions and workflows in all our departments. It will help us maximize safety, accuracy, efficiency, and satisfaction across our organization. This new system has just started rolling out as of August 14.
Noticeable changes for our residents includes a new RTLS tag they can wear on their wrist. These tags have a call button that, when pushed, alerts our caregiving team. No longer does a resident have to be near a call cord that is physically mounted to the wall in order to signal for assistance. Our nursing facility has been completely retrofitted with equipment that will allow the caregiving team to receive the alerts and directly respond. In the event the caregiver needs a specific type of equipment such as a mechanical lift, they have also received RTLS tags allowing us to quickly locate and retrieve them. These are just a few examples of how the system will be utilized to enhance the resident, family, and employee experience.
As we continue to roll out this new system, we ask for patience and for prayers. This is a major change for all of us and it will require time to adapt. Comments and ideas are always welcome. Thank you and God bless you!